Indonesia Popular Domain

"Go Online, Indonesia"
INDOREG (Indonesia Domain Registrar) merupakan salah satu Registrar Resmi PANDI (Pengelola Nama Domain Indonesia), yang akan fokus melayani kebutuhan dan nama domain Indonesia.
Rp. 306.000
Rp. 326.000
Rp. 49.500
No Hosting
Ketentuan Reseller :
  • Paket Reseller hanya berlaku untuk domain saja.
  • Harga telah termasuk PPN 11%
  • Harga berlaku untuk pendaftar baru,
    perpanjangan dan transfer
  • Deposit awal Rp. 1.000.000,-
    minimum deposit Rp. 150.000,-
(Berlaku mulai Januari 2015)

Fitur Reseller

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Single Interface

Single Interface to buy and manage automatic entire bussiness

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Manage and Control Your Deposit

This is very easy, any time you can see the growth of your deposit

Slideshow 3

Order and Upload Doc

Domain .ID requires you to upload documents,in INDOREG is very easy

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Transaction History

Users may view their current balance and view all transactions associated with the account. They may also filter the transactions they view to view items by date range or account.

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